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The extended data frame (abbreviated as exdf) class is a special data structure defined by the PhotoGEA package. In many ways, an exdf object is equivalent to a data frame, with the major difference being that an exdf object includes the units and “category” of each column. The exdf class was originally created as a way to represent the contents of a Licor Excel file in an R structure. In Licor Excel files, the data is arranged in a table where each column has a name, units, and a category; for example, the column for values of net assimilation rate is called A, has units of micromol / m^2 / s, and is categorized as a GasEx variable.

Illustration comparing data frames (left) to extended data frames (right).

Illustration comparing data frames (left) to extended data frames (right).

Because exdf objects keep track of the units for each column, functions acting on exdf objects are able to check that important variables have the correct units, ensuring that the output they produce is correct. Additionally, the category for each column can be used to store other important information about it, such as the function that was used to calculate its values. For example, the calculate_ball_berry_index function takes an exdf object as an input and (1) checks whether the net assimilation, relative humidity, and CO2 concentration columns of the object have the expected units, (2) adds a new column containing values of the Ball-Berry index, and (3) uses the category of the new column to indicate it was calculated by calculate_ball_berry_index.

Thus, exdf objects provide a clear method for ensuring that requirements about units are met before making calculations and for retaining a record of how the values of new columns were calculated. Because of these important properties, nearly all functions in the PhotoGEA package create or modify exdf objects rather than regular data frames. In the following sections, this vignette will demonstrate how to create exdf objects, extract information from them, and modify their contents.

Note: here, we will assume that you have some basic familiarity with common R data structures like lists, vectors, and data frames. If you are unfamiliar with these, it may be helpful to consult with another online guide or tutorial such as the Data Structures chapter from Advanced R.

Loading Packages

As always, the first step is to load the packages we will be using. In addition to PhotoGEA, we will also use the lattice package for generating plots.

# Load required packages

If the lattice package is not installed on your R setup, you can install it by typing install.packages('lattice').

Basic Properties of an Extended Data Frame

From a technical point of view, an exdf object is simply an R list with the following properties:

  • It must contain elements named main_data, units, and categories.
  • Each of these required elements must be a data frame.
  • Each of these required elements must have the same column names, which can be thought of as the column names for the exdf object as a whole.
  • The units data frame must contain just one row, whose values specify the units for each column.
  • The categories element must have one row containing the category of each column.
  • The main_data data frame can have any number of rows and contains the main data of the exdf object.

The function is.exdf can be used to check whether any R object is an extended data frame. By default, it performs a simple check on the information returned by the class function, but it also has an option to perform a more detailed check of each requirement listed above. For more information, type ?is.exdf in the R terminal to access the help menu entry for is.exdf.

Besides these three required elements, it is also possible for an exdf object to have additional entries such as a filename that stores the name of the file that was used to create the exdf. There are no restrictions on the types of these “extra” elements; they could be numeric values, strings, vectors, data frames, other lists, etc. Of course, they should not be named main_data, units, or categories.

Creating Extended Data Frames

There are three main ways to create an exdf object:

  • From three separate data frames specifying the main data, units, and categories of the new exdf object.
  • From a single data frame representing the main data of the new exdf object; in this case, units and categories will be initialized to NA.
  • From a data file such as a Licor Excel file or a tunable diode laser (TDL) output file.

In the following sections, we will demonstrate each of these methods.

Specifying Main Data, Units, and Categories

As an example of the first method, we will create an extended data frame called exdf_1 with two columns named A and B. These two columns will have units of m and s and categories of Cat1 and Cat2, respectively.

exdf_1 <- exdf(
  data.frame(A = c(3, 2, 7, 9), B = c(4, 5, 1, 8)),
  data.frame(A = 'm', B = 's'),
  data.frame(A = 'Cat1', B = 'Cat2')

We can view a nicely-formatted version of the object using the print command:

#>   A [Cat1] (m) B [Cat2] (s)
#> 1            3            4
#> 2            2            5
#> 3            7            1
#> 4            9            8

Notice that each column descriptor in the printed version is formatted as name [category] (units).

Initializing with Default Units and Categories

As an example of the second method, we will create an extended data frame called exdf_2 with two columns named A and B, but we won’t specify their units or categories.

exdf_2 <- exdf(data.frame(A = c(3, 2, 7, 9), B = c(4, 5, 1, 8)))

As before, we can print the data frame:

#>   A [NA] (NA) B [NA] (NA)
#> 1           3           4
#> 2           2           5
#> 3           7           1
#> 4           9           8

The units and categories have been initialized to default values of NA, but we can supply new units and categories using the document_variables function:

exdf_2 <- document_variables(exdf_2, c('Cat1', 'A', 'm'), c('Cat2', 'B', 's'))

Now exdf_2 is identical to exdf_1:

identical(exdf_1, exdf_2)
#> [1] TRUE

Sometimes this method is more convenient than the previous one.

Reading From an Instrument Log File

As an example of the third method, we will create an extended data frame from a Microsoft Excel file containing Licor measurements.

exdf_3 <- read_gasex_file(

This new object has many columns and rows, so we won’t print it here. However, we can confirm that it is indeed a properly-defined exdf object:

is.exdf(exdf_3, TRUE)
#> [1] TRUE

Writing to and Reading From CSV Files

Any exdf object can be saved to a CSV file using the write.csv.exdf function. For example, the Licor log file discussed above can be saved to a CSV file as follows:

write.csv.exdf(exdf_3, file = 'ball_berry_1.csv')

CSV files created using write.csv.exdf can be read later using read.csv.exdf, which will create an exdf object from the information in the file. For example, the CSV file created with the last command can be read as follows:

exdf_4 <- read.csv.exdf('ball_berry_1.csv')

Writing an exdf to a CSV file and then reading it again preserves all of its information, including categories, units, and column names. Because of this, the exdf_4 should be identical to exdf_3.

Extracting Information from Extended Data Frames

There are three main ways to extract information from an extended data frame:

  • The “top-level” elements such as main_data and units can be directly accessed.
  • Columns or other subsets of the main_data element can be accessed.
  • An extended data frame with a subset of the original data can be obtained.

In the following sections, we will demonstrate each of these possibilities. They are also described in a help page that can be accessed from within R by typing ?extract.exdf.

Accessing Top-Level Elements

Because an extended data frame is technically just a list, its “top-level” elements can be viewed using names, $, and [[. For example, all of the top-level elements can be retrieved using names:

#> [1] "main_data"  "units"      "categories"

#> [1] "main_data"         "units"             "categories"       
#> [4] "preamble"          "data_row"          "file_name"        
#> [7] "file_type"         "instrument_type"   "timestamp_colname"

Here we see that both exdf objects have the three required elements: main_data, units, and categories. exdf_3 has a few “extra” elements that were automatically created by the read_gasex_file function. Any of these top-level elements be accessed by name using the $ and [[ operators:

#>   A B
#> 1 m s

#> [1] "/home/runner/work/_temp/Library/PhotoGEA/extdata/ball_berry_1.xlsx"

Accessing The Main Data Frame

When colnames or the [ operator are applied to an exdf object, they act directly on the object’s main_data element. For example, the following commands are equivalent ways to access the column names of exdf_1:

#> [1] "A" "B"

#> [1] "A" "B"

Likewise, the following commands are equivalent ways to extract the A column from exdf_1 as a vector:

exdf_1[, 'A']
#> [1] 3 2 7 9

exdf_1$main_data[, 'A']
#> [1] 3 2 7 9

#> [1] 3 2 7 9

It is usually preferable to apply these functions to the exdf object rather than its main_data element since the resulting code is cleaner.

Creating a Subset

Sometimes it is necessary to extract a subset of an exdf object. For example, we may wish to extract just the rows from exdf_1 where the value of the A column is greater than 5, keeping all the columns. This can be accomplished as follows, using a syntax that is nearly identical to the syntax of extracting a subset of a data frame:

exdf_1[exdf_1[, 'A'] > 5, , return_exdf = TRUE]
#>   A [Cat1] (m) B [Cat2] (s)
#> 3            7            1
#> 4            9            8

Here it is critical to specify return_exdf = TRUE; otherwise, the command will instead return a subset of the exdf object’s main_data element, as discussed in Accessing The Main Data Frame:

is.exdf(exdf_1[exdf_1[, 'A'] > 5, , TRUE])
#> [1] TRUE[exdf_1[, 'A'] > 5, ])
#> [1] TRUE

Modifying Extended Data Frames

As is the case with extracting information, it is possible to modify the “top-level” elements of an exdf object as well as the contents of its main_data. The following sections provide examples of both types of operations.

Modifying Top-Level Elements

Top-level elements can be added or modified using [[<- and $<- as with any list. As an example, we will change the file_name element of exdf_3 and add a new top-level element:

exdf_3$file_name <- 'new_file_name.xlsx'

exdf_3[['new_element']] <- 5

We can confirm the changes:

#> [1] "new_file_name.xlsx"

#> [1] 5

Modifying the Main Data

The contents of the main_data of an exdf object can be modified using the [<- operator. For example, we could add 1 to each value in the A column of exdf_2:

exdf_2[, 'A'] <- exdf_2[, 'A'] + 1

We could also add a new column called C:

exdf_2[, 'C'] <- 7

In this case, the units and category of the new column will be initialized to NA:

#>   A [Cat1] (m) B [Cat2] (s) C [NA] (NA)
#> 1            4            4           7
#> 2            3            5           7
#> 3            8            1           7
#> 4           10            8           7

The units and category of the new column can be modified later with document_variables as in Initializing with Default Units and Categories.

Alternatively, the set_variable function can be used to set the value, units, and category of a column in an extended data frame in one step. Here we use this function to add a new column called D with units of kg and category cat4 whose value is 20:

exdf_2 <- set_variable(exdf_2, 'D', 'kg', 'cat4', 20)

#>   A [Cat1] (m) B [Cat2] (s) C [NA] (NA) D [cat4] (kg)
#> 1            4            4           7            20
#> 2            3            5           7            20
#> 3            8            1           7            20
#> 4           10            8           7            20

The set_variable function also has more advanced abilities to set separate values of a column for different subsets of an extended data frame; for more information, see its help menu entry by typing ?set_variable.

Important note: It is generally a bad idea to directly modify main_data because this can cause problems. For example, we could try adding another new column called E using the following code:

exdf_2$main_data$E <- 17

Now, exdf_2 is no longer a properly defined exdf object because there is a E column in exdf_2$main_data that is not present in exdf_2$units or exdf_2$categories. This may prevent other functions from working properly; for example, print will not properly display the E column. This is a subtle problem that can only be detected using is.exdf with consistency_check set to TRUE:

#>   A [Cat1] (m) B [Cat2] (s) C [NA] (NA) D [cat4] (kg) NA
#> 1            4            4           7            20 17
#> 2            3            5           7            20 17
#> 3            8            1           7            20 17
#> 4           10            8           7            20 17

#> [1] TRUE

is.exdf(exdf_2, TRUE)
#> Warning in is.exdf(exdf_2, TRUE): `x$main_data`, `x$units`, and `x$categories`
#> must have the same column names
#> [1] FALSE

Common Patterns

Here will we explain a few common ways that exdf objects are created, modified, or otherwise used.

Combining Data From Several Files

It is quite common for one data set to be spread across multiple data files; for example, if multiple Licors are used to measure response curves from a set of plants, there will be one data file for each machine. On the other hand, the data is much easier to process and analyze if it is stored in a single exdf object. Thus, it is common to take the following steps in a script:

  1. Define a vector of file names that identify the files to be loaded.
  2. Use lapply and read_gasex_file to load each file, producing a list of exdf objects.
  3. Identify common columns using identify_common_columns; in other words, determine which columns are present in each of the exdf objects.
  4. Limit each exdf object to just the common columns using the [ operator with return_exdf set to TRUE.
  5. Use rbind to combine the exdf objects into a single exdf containing the data from all of the files.

In this process, steps 3 and 4 are required because exdf objects cannot be combined with rbind if they have different columns. This way of combining can be visualized as stacking tables on top of each other vertically, and it only makes sense if they all have the same columns. It is common for Licor files to have some differences between their columns, so these steps are usually necessary. Even if all the files do have the same columns, taking these steps will not cause any issues, so there’s no harm in always doing this. The following image illustrates this process visually for a set of three files.

Illustration of combining multiple tables using `identify_common_columns` and
  `rbind`. In this example, the `YY` and `ZZ` columns are not present in all of
  the tables, so they are removed before the tables are vertically stacked.

Illustration of combining multiple tables using identify_common_columns and rbind. In this example, the YY and ZZ columns are not present in all of the tables, so they are removed before the tables are vertically stacked.

The following is an example of code that accomplishes these steps:

# Define a vector of paths to the files we wish to load
file_paths <- c(

# Load each file, storing the result in a list
licor_exdf_list <- lapply(file_paths, function(fpath) {read_gasex_file(fpath)})

# Get the names of all columns that are present in all of the Licor files
columns_to_keep <-, licor_exdf_list)

# Extract just these columns
licor_exdf_list <- lapply(licor_exdf_list, function(x) {
  x[ , columns_to_keep, TRUE]

# Use `rbind` to combine all the data
licor_data <-, licor_exdf_list)

This pattern (where files are loaded, truncated to common columns, and then combined) is found in most analysis scripts, such as the one in the Analyzing Ball-Berry Data vignette.

Now that the data from the files has been combined into one exdf object, it’s easy to perform calculations on all of it at once. For example, we can calculate total pressure, additional gas properties, and the Ball-Berry index:

# Calculate the total pressure in the Licor chamber
licor_data <- calculate_total_pressure(licor_data)

# Calculate additional gas properties, including `RHleaf` and `Csurface`
licor_data <- calculate_gas_properties(licor_data)

# Calculate the Ball-Berry index
licor_data <- calculate_ball_berry_index(licor_data)

In this example, the vector of files to load was defined manually by typing out the file names; files can also be selected interactively using the choose_input_files, choose_input_licor_files, and choose_input_tdl_files functions.

Processing Multiple Pieces of an Extended Data Frame

It is common for an exdf object to contain data that represents multiple “chunks,” such as response curves, that can each be located using the value of one or more “identifier” columns like event, replicate, species, etc. In this scenario, it is often desirable to apply a function, such as a fitting function, to each chunk in the data set. As a concrete example, the licor_data exdf created in Combining Data From Several Files contains several Ball-Berry curves, and the fit_ball_berry function applies a fitting procedure to one curve to determine values for the Ball-Berry parameters. How can we apply fit_ball_berry to each curve in the data in a simple way?

Often the easiest route is to use the by function. This function requires four inputs:

  • An exdf object containing multiple “chunks” of data.
  • One or more vectors whose values can be used to split the exdf into chunks.
  • A function that should be appled to each chunk.
  • Any additional arguments that should be passed to the function.

With this information, by will split the exdf object into chunks and apply the function to each one. Its return value will be a list, where each list element is the output from one function call, as applied to one chunk. For more information, access the built-in help system entry by typing ?by.exdf. Here we show how by can be used to apply the Ball-Berry fitting procedure to each curve in licor_data:

by_result <- by(
  licor_data,                                          # exdf object
  list(licor_data[, 'species'], licor_data[, 'plot']), # identifier columns
  fit_ball_berry                                       # function to apply to chunks

The fit_ball_berry function returns a list of two exdf objects named fits and parameters, so the return value from by is a complicated object: it is a list of lists of exdf objects; in other words, a nested list. We can see this structure as follows:

str(by_result, max.level = 2)
#> List of 8
#>  $ soybean.1 :List of 2
#>   ..$ parameters:'data.frame':   1 obs. of  80 variables:
#>   ..$ fits      :'data.frame':   7 obs. of  254 variables:
#>  $ soybean.1a:List of 2
#>   ..$ parameters:'data.frame':   1 obs. of  79 variables:
#>   ..$ fits      :'data.frame':   7 obs. of  254 variables:
#>  $ soybean.1b:List of 2
#>   ..$ parameters:'data.frame':   1 obs. of  77 variables:
#>   ..$ fits      :'data.frame':   7 obs. of  254 variables:
#>  $ tobacco.2 :List of 2
#>   ..$ parameters:'data.frame':   1 obs. of  77 variables:
#>   ..$ fits      :'data.frame':   7 obs. of  254 variables:
#>  $ soybean.5 :List of 2
#>   ..$ parameters:'data.frame':   1 obs. of  77 variables:
#>   ..$ fits      :'data.frame':   7 obs. of  254 variables:
#>  $ tobacco.5 :List of 2
#>   ..$ parameters:'data.frame':   1 obs. of  79 variables:
#>   ..$ fits      :'data.frame':   7 obs. of  254 variables:
#>  $ soybean.5a:List of 2
#>   ..$ parameters:'data.frame':   1 obs. of  81 variables:
#>   ..$ fits      :'data.frame':   7 obs. of  254 variables:
#>  $ soybean.5c:List of 2
#>   ..$ parameters:'data.frame':   1 obs. of  81 variables:
#>   ..$ fits      :'data.frame':   7 obs. of  254 variables:

It would be much easier to work with this information if it were reorganized by separately combining all of the fits and parameters elements. Fortunately, this can be easily done with the consolidate function. This function will collect all of the second-level elements with the same names and combine them using rbind:

consolidate_by_result <- consolidate(by_result)

We can now see that instead of a nested list, we have a list of two exdf objects:

str(consolidate_by_result, max.level = 1)
#> List of 2
#>  $ parameters:'data.frame':  8 obs. of  76 variables:
#>  $ fits      :'data.frame':  56 obs. of  254 variables:

It is common to apply the consolidate and by functions in the same line to make the code more concise. Afterwards, the elements from the resulting list can be separated to make additional analysis easier:

ball_berry_result <- consolidate(by(
  list(licor_data[, 'species'], licor_data[, 'plot']),
  'gsw', 'bb_index'

ball_berry_fits <- ball_berry_result$fits
ball_berry_parameters <- ball_berry_result$parameters

This pattern (where a function is applied to multiple curves using consolidate and by) is found in most analysis scripts, such as the one in the Analyzing Ball-Berry Data vignette. The following image illustrates this process visually.

Illustration of processing multiple parts of a table using `by` and
  `consolidate`. Here the `id` column is either `1` or `2`, and the processing
  function returns a list of two tables called `fits` and `parameters`.

Illustration of processing multiple parts of a table using by and consolidate. Here the id column is either 1 or 2, and the processing function returns a list of two tables called fits and parameters.

Plotting Data From an Extended Data Frame

If an exdf object contains multiple curves, it is often convenient to plot them using the xyplot function from the lattice package. This plotting tool makes it easy to put each curve in its own panel, or to group the curves by an identifier such as event or species. In this case, it is common to pass the main_data element of an exdf object as the data argument of lattice::xyplot since it only works with data frames:

  gsw ~ bb_index | species,
  group = plot,
  data = licor_data$main_data,
  type = 'b',
  pch = 16,
  auto.key = list(space = 'right'),
  grid = TRUE

Because exdf objects include the units for each column, it is also possible to add them to the axis labels. This can be accomplished using the paste0 function, which can create character strings from the values of variables. For example, we could create a string describing the gsw column as follows:

paste0('Stomatal conductance to H2O (', licor_data$units$gsw, ')')
#> [1] "Stomatal conductance to H2O (mol m^(-2) s^(-1))"

These labels can then be included in the plot itself:

  gsw ~ bb_index | species,
  group = plot,
  data = licor_data$main_data,
  type = 'b',
  pch = 16,
  auto.key = list(space = 'right'),
  grid = TRUE,
  xlab = paste0('Ball-Berry index (', licor_data$units$bb_index, ')'),
  ylab = paste0('Stomatal conductance to H2O (', licor_data$units$gsw, ')')

This pattern (where the main_data element of an exdf object is passed to lattice::xyplot and its units element is used to create informative axis labels) is found in most analysis scripts, such as the one in the Analyzing Ball-Berry Data vignette.

How To Find More Information

All S3 methods defined for the exdf class can be viewed using the methods function:

methods(class = 'exdf')
#>  [1] [                        [<-                       
#>  [4] by                       cbind                    check_required_variables
#>  [7] consolidate              dim                      dimnames                
#> [10] dimnames<-               exclude_outliers         factorize_id_column     
#> [13] identifier_columns       identify_common_columns  length                  
#> [16] print                    rbind                    split                   
#> [19] str                     
#> see '?methods' for accessing help and source code

However, this does not include all functions related to the exdf class. Others can be identified by typing ??exdf within the R environment.

Finally, the other vignettes in the PhotoGEA package include many examples of how exdf objects can be created and used while analyzing photosynthetic gas exchange data.