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CHANGES IN PhotoGEA VERSION 0.12.0 (2024-06-03)

  • Changed fitting method from least-squares to maximum likelihood in fit_c3_aci, fit_c3_variable_j, and fit_c4_aci.
    • We use a normal distribution for calculating the likelihood.
    • Best-fit parameter values are determined with sigma = 1.
    • Then the true value of the likelihood can be estimated using sigma = RMSE.
    • Confidence intervals are also calculated using sigma = RMSE.
    • Fitting functions include the Akaike information criterion (AIC) in their outputs
    • Default settings have been changed to always calculate confidence intervals and remove unreliable parameter estimates, to use a more reliable (but slower) optimizer, and to fit alpha_old (for C3 A-Ci and Variable J fits); these settings will ensure more robust fitting results
  • Changed the C3 assimilation and Variable J equations to accommodate the new alpha parameters from Busch et al. (2018)
    • There are now three separate parameters: alpha_old (previously alpha_g), alpha_g, and alpha_s
    • If alpha_old is nonzero, then alpha_g and alpha_s must be zero. Likewise, if alpha_g or alpha_s is nonzero, then alpha_old must be zero. This will prevent users from mixing the two models together.
  • The fitting functions fit_c3_aci, fit_c3_variable_j, and fit_c4_aci now include a new output called fits_interpolated that contains values of the predicted assimilation rates with a Ci step of 1 ppm.
  • New plotting functions have been added: plot_c3_aci_fit and plot_c4_aci_fit. These functions use the new information in fits_interpolated to make nice plots comparing the measured data and the fits.
  • Now users can optionally ignore NA values when using xyplot_avg_rc and barchart_with_errorbars
  • Changed exclude_outliers to make sure it doesn’t exclude NA values
  • Specialized functions for writing exdf objects to CSV files and recreating exdf objects from those files are now available: write.csv.exdf and read.csv.exdf.
  • When determining the degree of trust in a best-fit parameter value, we now consider parameters with an upper confidence limit of Inf to be unreliable.
  • Light- and electron-limited assimilation has been added to calculate_c4_assimilation; now we have fully implemented the von Caemmerer model equations. This also necessitated a new function for temperature response calculations: calculate_peaked_gaussian.
  • New fitting parameters have been added to fit_c4_aci: alpha_psii, gbs, Jmax_at_opt and Rm_frac.
  • It is now possible to remove unreliable parameter estimates when using fit_c4_aci.
  • Tests have been updated to make sure the fitting functions can gracefully handle a fit failure, even when estimating confidence intervals and/or removing unreliable parameter estimates.
  • Added a new optimizer (optimizer_hjkb) and changed their default arguments so a user must always specify the tolerance or number of generations.
  • All functions that require an O2 partial pressure now calculate it from the total pressure and the oxygen concentration (expressed as a percentage).
  • A new option has been added to read_licor_6800_Excel and read_licor_6800_plaintext: get_oxygen. When this input is TRUE, get_oxygen_from_preamble will automatically be used to get the oxygen percentage from the file’s preamble when it is loaded.
  • A new option has been added to read_gasex_file: standardize_columns.
  • read_licor_6800_plaintext can now read log files that were closed and reopened
  • Added a new function called PhotoGEA_example_file_path to avoid using system.file in examples since system.path has been confusing for some users
  • check_licor_data has been renamed to check_response_curve_data since it is not limited to only Licor measurements
  • Specified a minimum supported R version: 3.6.0.

CHANGES IN PhotoGEA VERSION 0.11.0 (2024-02-12)

  • Added new options for adding penalties to the error function during Variable J fits, that enable the user to selectively penalize negative or unreasonably large values of mesophyll conductance.
  • Made a few improvements to C3 curve fitting functions (fit_c3_aci and fit_c3_variable_j):
    • Two more parameters can now be fit: alpha (related to TPU) and Gamma_star.
    • Unreliable parameter estimates can now be excluded; for example, if no points on a curve have An = Ap, the fit will return NA for TPU.
    • The initial guess functions (initial_guess_c3_aci and initial_guess_c3_variable_j) can now accommodate user-supplied values of alpha.
  • Made a few improvements to all three nonlinear fitting functions (fit_c3_aci, fit_c3_variable_j, and fit_c4_aci):
    • The error functions are now available in the package namespace as error_function_c3_aci, error_function_c3_variable_j, and error_function_c4_aci.
    • Confidence intervals around the best-fit values can now be calculated automatically by the fitting functions, or manually using three new functions in the package namespace: confidence_intervals_c3_aci, confidence_intervals_c3_variable_j, and confidence_intervals_c4_aci.
    • The initial guess functions are now created internally instead of being an input argument.
    • There is a new system for supplying fit options (upper and lower bounds, and which parameters to fit):
      • Users now only need to specify changes from the default settings.
      • The order of parameters no longer matters because lists of named elements are used.
      • Parameters that could be fit, but are not being fit, can either be set to fixed values or to values from a column of an exdf object.
      • Unknown parameters are now provided in alphabetical order when applicable (such as the first input arguments to calculate_c3_assimilation).
    • The functions are more tolerant to curves with severe problems (such as negative Ci) that prevent a good fit from being found; rather than throwing an error, the fit functions now silently return NA for all results, along with a message explaining the issue.
  • Added a function for estimating Rd with the Laisk method: calculate_rd_laisk
  • A “unit dictionary” was added for internal use; this may be expanded and used more often in the future.
  • Renamed several variables and input arguments:
    • Licor files contain a column called alpha, and several different “alphas” were used throughout PhotoGEA. To avoid confusion, the values in PhotoGEA were renamed as follows:
      • alpha_g: used in C3 assimilation calculations
      • alpha_pr: used in Gamma_star calculations
      • alpha_psii: used in C4 assimilation calculations
    • The acronym “TPU” was used to refer to a process (triose phosphate utilization) and the maximum rate of that process. To avoid confusion, the rate parameter was renamed to Tp
  • Tests were added for several functions:
    • calculate_c3_assimilation
    • fit_c3_aci
    • fit_c3_variable_j
    • fit_c4_aci
    • calculate_c3_limitations_grassi
    • calculate_c3_limitations_warren
  • The read_gasex_file function now automatically includes the filename as a column in the resulting exdf object; this helps with troubleshooting problematic curves or files.
  • PRs related to creating this version:

CHANGES IN PhotoGEA VERSION 0.10.0 (2023-12-16)

  • Reorganized the variable J fitting functions to be more like fit_c3_aci:
    • Added calculate_c3_variable_j, initial_guess_c3_variable_j, and fit_c3_variable_j.
    • Removed dpmn_error_jrv, dpmn_error_jrvtt, dpmn_error_jrv_tau, dpmn_error_jrv_tpu, and photosynthesis_TRF.
  • Added a new optimizer from the DEoptim package (called optimizer_deoptim) and renamed default_optimizer to optimizer_nmkb. The new optimizer_deoptim is used as the default optimizer for variable J fitting.
  • Added two new functions for calculating the relative limiting factors of C3 photosynthesis: calculate_c3_limitations_grassi and calculate_c3_limitations_warren.
  • Added a new function for estimating the operating point from a measured A-Ci curve: estimate_operating_point.
  • Added two new color specifications (multi_curve_line_colors and multi_curve_point_colors) and used them in vignette examples.
  • fit_c3_aci and fit_c4_aci now use estimate_operating_point to automatically estimate the operating point and include it with the other fit parameters.
  • The C3 and C4 A-Ci vignettes now show include the operating point in one of the figures.
  • Renamed calculate_iwue to calculate_wue and provided documentation for this function, which now calculates two measures of leaf-level water use efficiency.
  • Provided documentation for factorize_id_columns and converted it to an S3 method so it can be applied to data frames and exdf objects.
  • Removed the process_id_column function since it can easily be replicated using paste.
  • Stopped reversing colors in xyplot_avg_rc.
  • Fixed a typo in calculate_c3_assimilation where Rd (the value of day respiration at 25 degrees C) was used in place of Rd_tl (the value of day respiration at the leaf temperature) when calculating net assimilation rates.
  • Added some developer documentation, an R CMD check GitHub workflow, and a code coverage GitHub workflow.
  • PRs related to creating this version:

CHANGES IN PhotoGEA VERSION 0.9.2 (2023-11-16)

CHANGES IN PhotoGEA VERSION 0.9.1 (2023-11-13)

CHANGES IN PhotoGEA VERSION 0.9.0 (2023-10-25)

  • Added a new convenience function for printing plot objects: pdf_print
  • Added and/or documented several functions related to isotope discrimination measurements:
    • calculate_gamma_star
    • calculate_gm_busch
    • calculate_gm_ubierna
    • calculate_isotope_discrimination
    • calculate_leakiness_ubierna
    • calculate_ternary_correction
    • get_oxygen_from_preamble
    • get_sample_valve_from_filename
    • pair_gasex_and_tdl
  • Added two new example data files (licor_for_gm_site11.xslx and tdl_for_gm.dat) for use in examples and vignettes.
  • Renamed some variables related to isotope measurements; the new terms are more consistent with the way these quantities are typically described:
    • total_isotope_ratio was renamed to delta_13C
    • total_mixing_ratio was renamed to total_CO2
  • Removed a function that was specific to one user (batch_get_genotype_info_from_licor_filename).
  • Added a new R file (constants.R) to store the values of some constants that appear in multiple functions; this will help ensure that consistent values are used in each instance.
  • Improved some error handling in read_gasex_file and attempted to clarify instructions for selecting files to load.
  • Added two basic tests of read_gasex_file using the testthat package.
  • PRs related to creating this version:

CHANGES IN PhotoGEA VERSION 0.8.0 (2023-04-30)

  • Modified identify_tdl_cycles and process_tdl_cycle_polynomial so they can handle cycles where there are multiple measurement logs from each valve.
  • Added several functions for calculating quadratic roots; these are not exported in the package namespace, but are now used in calculate_c3_assimilation and calculate_c4_assimilation to make the code cleaner and more robust.
  • Other updates to calculate_c3_assimilation:
    • Choose a minimal RuBP carboxylation rate rather than a minimal net CO2 assimilation rate.
    • Allow the user to specify a value of alpha (previously this value was hard-coded to 0).
    • Allow the user to specify two separate curvature values when including co-limitation.
    • Renamed min_aj_cutoff and max_aj_cutoff to cj_crossover_min and cj_crossover_max to better reflect their purpose.
  • PRs related to creating this version:

CHANGES IN PhotoGEA VERSION 0.7.1 (2023-01-11)

  • Added new outputs from fit_c3_aci and fit_c4_aci that include the average values of leaf-temperature-dependent parameters like Vcmax and Rd.
  • Added options for specifying a flat temperature response when fitting C3 or C4 A-Ci curves; these are available via the two new data sets c3_arrhenius_no_temp and c4_arrhenius_no_temp.
  • PRs related to creating this version:

CHANGES IN PhotoGEA VERSION 0.7.0 (2022-12-19)

  • Added new example files:
    • plaintext_licor_file represents a plaintext Licor LI-6800 log file.
    • c4_aci_1.xlsx and c4_aci_2.xlsx contain examples of C4 A-Ci curves measured with Licor LI-6800 instruments.
  • Made several significant changes to functions that read data from log files:
    • Added the ability to read plaintext Licor LI-6800 log files.
    • Consolidated all file-reading functions into a single one called read_gasex_file.
    • Depending on user-supplied inputs that specify the instrument and file type, read_gasex_file internally calls either read_licor_6800_Excel, read_licor_6800_plaintext, or read_CR3000 to actually read the data from the file.
    • When loading LI-6800 Excel log files, it is no longer necessary to provide information about the preamble and data rows.
    • The previous reading functions read_licor_file and read_tdl_file are now deprecated. Since these functions are commonly used in scripts, a message will be sent to any users who attempt to call these functions. Eventually they will be completely removed from the package namespace.
  • Made significant changes to the way pressure values are handled:
    • Added a new function that calculates the total pressure inside a Licor chamber from the separate values of ambient pressure and the chamber overpressure: calculate_total_pressure.
    • Modified several other functions to just expect a value of total pressure rather than separate values of ambient pressure and chamber overpressure, since this system for storing pressure values is just an artifact of Licor log files:
      • apply_gm
      • calculate_c3_assimilation
      • calculate_gas_properties
      • fit_c3_aci
  • Renamed or modified several other functions:
    • calculate_cc is now apply_gm so it can be used for C3 and C4 photosynthesis calculations.
    • apply_gm was modified to include partial pressures in its outputs.
    • fit_c4_aci was modified to make it more like fit_c3_aci.
    • Added a new input argument to xyplot_avg_rc so that y-axis error bars can be disabled.
    • Added a new input argument to apply_gm so that drawdown calculations are now optional.
    • Improved some of the error messages generated by check_licor_data.
    • Included ATP and NADPH usage in the C3 assimilation calculations.
  • Added several other new functions:
    • initial_guess_c4_aci makes initial guesses for C4 photosynthetic parameters.
    • calculate_c4_assimilation calculates assimilation values using S. von Caemmerer’s model for C4 photosynthesis.
  • Added a new vignette demonstrating how to analyze C4 A-Ci curve data.
  • PRs related to creating this version:

CHANGES IN PhotoGEA VERSION 0.6.1 (2022-11-01)

CHANGES IN PhotoGEA VERSION 0.6.0 (2022-10-06)

  • Moved the dfoptim package from Suggests to Imports because it is used by an essential part of PhotoGEA.
  • The check_required_variables function was moved to the package namespace.
  • Added and/or documented several functions:
    • A default optimizer function (default_optimizer).
    • A function for guessing for C3 parameter values (initial_guess_c3_aci).
    • A function for identifying columns that take a single unique value (identifier_columns).
    • A function that calculates error metrics from the values of residuals, including the root mean squared error (RMSE) and several others (residual_stats).
  • Small changes were made to several functions:
    • cbind.exdf no longer requires all objects to have the same number of rows.
    • [<-.exdf now allows users to remove columns by setting their values to NULL.
    • The conversion of the timestamp column to POSIXlt in read_tdl_file and read_licor_file can now be skipped by setting timestamp_colname to NA.
  • Significant changes have been made to fit_c3_aci:
    • It now has an option to set a curvature value that can be used to allow co-limitation of the net assimilation rate.
    • It now uses initial_guess_c3_aci to generate initial guesses by default.
    • It now has an option to fix certain parameter values (such as TPU) and exclude them from the fitting process via a new input argument called fixed.
    • Its output now includes residuals and error metrics such as the RMSE.
  • fit_ball_berry also returns residuals and error metrics in its output.
  • Two new vignettes were added:
    • “Creating Your Own Processing Tools” discusses the best practices for writing custom functions for processing. As an example, a function for fitting a rectangular hyperbola to an A-Ci curve is developed.
    • “Combining PhotoGEA With Other Packages” discusses best practices for writing wrappers for processing tools from other packages. As an example, a wrapper for plantecophys::fitaci is developed.
  • Several other vignettes were modified:
    • The “Analyzing C3 A-Ci Curves” vignette has been updated to include the new features of fit_c3_aci.
    • The “Developing a Data Analysis Pipeline” vignette has been updated to include the new functions added in this version.
    • The “Working With Extended Data Frames” vignette has been updated to include some new diagrams.
    • The “Getting Started With PhotoGEA” vignette has been updated to include links to the new vignettes.
  • PRs related to creating this version:

CHANGES IN PhotoGEA VERSION 0.5.0 (2022-09-16)

  • Added a new vignette demonstrating how to analyze C3 A-Ci curve data.
  • Included TPU in the output from calculate_c3_assimilation.
  • In the organize_response_curve_data function, changed the default value of the ordering_column_tolerance column to Inf to disable this check by default, since we often want to reorder using a column like Ci that does not follow the same sequence of values in every curve.
  • Added new input arguments to fit_c3_aci: min_aj_cutoff and max_aj_cutoff, which provide a way to constrain the range of Cc where Aj is allowed to be the limiting assimilation rate.
  • Added new function for calibrating TDL data (process_tdl_cycle_polynomial) and an option for using it in the gm_from_tdl script.
  • Modified Licor-TDL pairing to stop assuming a particular relationship between the sample and reference valve numbers.
  • Fixed an issue with calculate_c3_assimilation that was causing it to report incorrect An values at low Cc.
  • Fixed several typos where Ac was misidentified as the “RuBP-limited” rate; in fact, it is the RuBP-saturated rate but is more commonly referred to as the rubisco-limited rate.
  • Added a new example script that uses fit_c3_aci.
  • PRs related to creating this version:

CHANGES IN PhotoGEA VERSION 0.4.0 (2022-09-07)

  • Made several improvements to accessibility:
    • Renamed GitHub repository from licor-processing-and-analysis to PhotoGEA.
    • Made GitHub repository public, which allows for a simpler installation via remotes::install_github.
    • Initialized website using pkgdown and GitHub Pages by using usethis::use_pkgdown_github_pages; website is now available at
  • Made minor improvements to the Ball-Berry vignette:
    • Added a stability check.
    • Made the stats calculations more clear.
  • Added new functions to the package namespace:
    • A function for excluding data points (remove_points).
    • A cross-platform file selection tool (choose_input_files).
    • A function for calculating C3 assimilation rates (calculate_c3_assimilation).
    • A function for fitting C3 CO2 response curves (fit_c3_aci).
    • A function for setting exdf column values (set_variable).
    • A function for calculating Arrhenius exponents (calculate_arrhenius).
  • Modified the behavior of several functions:
    • Added an option for a more thorough check in is.exdf.
    • organize_response_curve_data now has a specification for points to remove rather than points to keep, because this is usually easier to do.
  • Added documentation for several code objects:
    • document_variables (formerly specify_variables)
    • exclude_outliers
    • barchart_with_errorbars (formerly bar_wrapper)
    • bwplot_wrapper (formerly box_wrapper)
    • xyplot_avg_rc (formerly avg_xyplot)
    • multi_curve_colors (formerly default_colors)
    • calculate_cc
    • check_required_variables (formerly check_required_columns)
    • example_data_files (and also added new files for C3 A-Ci curves)
    • c3_arrhenius_bernacchi, c3_arrhenius_sharkey, and c4_arrhenius_von_caemmerer
  • Removed several limited-use functions from the package namespace:
    • add_gm_to_licor_data_from_table
    • add_gm_to_licor_data_from_value
    • batch_specify_oxygen
    • batch_specify_respiration
    • choose_input_gm_table_file
    • read_gm_table
    • (All of these functions can be replicated with set_variable)
  • Added new vignettes:
    • A vignette describing how to work with extended data frames.
    • A vignette describing how to develop a data analysis pipeline.
    • A vignette introducing new users to PhotoGEA.
  • Started supplying default column names in several functions to make code shorter:
    • fit_c3_aci
    • calculate_c3_assimilation
    • calculate_cc
    • calculate_gas_properties
    • calculate_c3_assimilation
    • calculate_ball_berry_index
    • fit_ball_berry
  • PRs related to creating this version:

CHANGES IN PhotoGEA VERSION 0.3.0 (2022-08-15)

  • This version adds a substantial amount of documentation, including a vignette describing how to use PhotoGEA to analyze TDL data.
  • While working on documentation, several changes were made to key functions so they behaved more reasonably and became easier to document.
  • Changes to functions and their documentation includes:
    • exdf objects can now be initialized from just a data frame; in this case, units and categories will all be NA.
    • apply_fit_across_reps and process_tdl_cycles have been replaced by two new lower-level functions that offer more generality: by.exdf and consolidate.
    • check_response_curve_data and check_signal_averaging_data have been consolidated into one function: check_licor_data.
    • An exdf method for cbind has been added.
    • exclude_tdl_cycles and extract_tdl_valve have been removed since they can easily be reproduced with more basic exdf functionality.
    • All functions for creating or modifying Excel files have been removed since we no longer want to follow this strategy.
  • basic_stats and the “Variable J” example script have been fixed.

CHANGES IN PhotoGEA VERSION 0.2.0 (2022-07-26)

  • This version adds a substantial amount of documentation, including a vignette describing how to use PhotoGEA to analyze Ball-Berry data.
  • While working on documentation, several changes were made to key functions so they behaved more reasonably and became easier to document.
  • At the moment, basic_stats and the “Variable J” example script have been broken.


  • This is the first version of PhotoGEA. At this point, the package is in a state of rapid development, and not all changes will be described here.
  • We are reserving version 1.0.0 for the first version where all R package functions and data sets have been documented; until then, major changes should only increase the minor version number.