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Adds new columns to an exdf object or modifies the units or categories of existing columns in an exdf object.


document_variables(exdf_obj, ...)



An exdf object.


Each optional argument should be a character vector with three elements that describe a column, where the first element is the category, the second is the name, and the third is the units. For example, c('GasEx', 'A', 'micromol m^(-2) s^(-1)') specifies that the category and units for the A column are GasEx and micromol m^(-2) s^(-1), respectively. If the column name is not in exdf_obj, it will be added with all values initialized to NA.


An exdf object with new and/or modified columns.

See also


# Create a simple exdf object with two columns (`A` and `B`) and default values
# for its units and categories.
simple_exdf <- exdf(data.frame(A = c(3, 2, 7, 9), B = c(4, 5, 1, 8)))

#>   A [NA] (NA) B [NA] (NA)
#> 1           3           4
#> 2           2           5
#> 3           7           1
#> 4           9           8

# Specify units and categories for the `A` and `B` columns, and add a new `C`
# column.
  c('cat1', 'A', 'm'), # The category of `A` is `cat1` and its units are `m`
  c('cat2', 'B', 's'), # The category of `B` is `cat2` and its units are `s`
  c('cat3', 'C', 'g')  # The category of `C` is `cat3` and its units are `g`
#>   A [cat1] (m) B [cat2] (s) C [cat3] (g)
#> 1            3            4           NA
#> 2            2            5           NA
#> 3            7            1           NA
#> 4            9            8           NA