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A convenience function that locates examples files included with the PhotoGEA package (see example_data_files). This function is intended for use in PhotoGEA examples and documentation, and users should not need to use it in their own analysis scripts.





The name of an example file included with the PhotoGEA package.


The PhotoGEA package includes several instrument log files to use in examples and other documentation. A full list can be found in the article about example_data_files. When PhotoGEA is installed, these example files will be stored locally in the R package directory (in the PhotoGEA/extdata subdirectory), which will generally have a different path on every computer. The PhotoGEA_example_file_path function simply locates one of these files and returns its full file path.

When loading your own files for analysis, this function should not be used. Instead, either:

  1. Directly write absolute file paths

  2. Directly write relative file paths

  3. Use one of the convenience functions from PhotoGEA to select files via a pop-up window, such as choose_input_licor_files

When directly writing relative file paths, consider using the file.path function from base R, which will ensure that the paths are properly formatted on any operating system. For example, instead of writing 'Documents\file.xlsx', write file.path('Documents', 'file.xlsx'). Doing this will make it easier to share your analysis scripts with other people who may be using different operating systems.


A full path to a PhotoGEA example file.


#> [1] "/home/runner/work/_temp/Library/PhotoGEA/extdata/c3_aci_1.xlsx"