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Tools for choosing input files via dialog windows.






These functions are only available in interactive sessions; moreover, choose_input_licor_files and choose_input_tdl_files are only available in Microsoft Windows.

  • choose_input_files will prompt the user to select a single file, and will return full file paths for all files in the same directory that have the same extension.

  • choose_input_licor_files can be used to select one or more Microsoft Excel files (with extension *.xlsx) or plaintext files (with no extension).

  • choose_input_tdl_files can be used to select one or more TDL data files (with extension *.dat).

The outputs from these functions are typically passed to read_gasex_file via lapply.


A character vector of full file paths.


# Interactively select a single file and get full file paths to all
# other files in the same directory that have the same extension

if (FALSE) { # \dontrun{

file_paths <- choose_input_files()
} # }

# Interactively select one or more Licor Excel files and read each one to create
# a list of exdf objects

if (FALSE) { # \dontrun{

lapply(choose_input_licor_files(), function(fname) {
  read_gasex_file(fname, 'time')
} # }

# Interactively select one or more TDL data files and read each one to create a
# list of exdf objects

if (FALSE) { # \dontrun{

lapply(choose_input_tdl_files(), function(fname) {
  read_gasex_file(fname, 'TIMESTAMP')
} # }