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Fits an empirical hyperbola model to an experimentally measured C4 A-Ci curve.

It is possible to fit the following parameters: c4_curvature, c4_slope, rL, and Vmax.

By default, all of these parameters are fit.

Best-fit parameters are found using maximum likelihood fitting, where the optimizer (optim_fun) is used to minimize the error function (defined by error_function_c4_aci_hyperbola).

Once best-fit parameters are found, confidence intervals are calculated using confidence_intervals_c4_aci_hyperbola.

See below for more details.


    a_column_name = 'A',
    ci_column_name = 'Ci',
    sd_A = 'RMSE',
    optim_fun = optimizer_nmkb(1e-7),
    lower = list(),
    upper = list(),
    fit_options = list(),
    relative_likelihood_threshold = 0.147,
    hard_constraints = 0,
    calculate_confidence_intervals = TRUE



An exdf object representing one CO2 response curve.


The name of the column in replicate_exdf that contains the net assimilation in micromol m^(-2) s^(-1).


The name of the column in replicate_exdf that contains the intercellular CO2 concentration in micromol mol^(-1).


A value of the standard deviation of measured A values, or the name of a method for determining the deviation; currently, the only supported option is 'RMSE'.


An optimization function that accepts the following input arguments: an initial guess, an error function, lower bounds, and upper bounds. It should return a list with the following elements: par, convergence, feval, and convergence_msg. See optimizers for a list of available options.


A list of named numeric elements representing lower bounds to use when fitting. Values supplied here override the default values (see details below). For example, lower = list(Vmax = 10) sets the lower limit for Vmax to 10 micromol / m^2 / s.


A list of named numeric elements representing upper bounds to use when fitting. Values supplied here override the default values (see details below). For example, upper = list(Vmax = 200) sets the upper limit for Vmax to 200 micromol / m^2 / s.


A list of named elements representing fit options to use for each parameter. Values supplied here override the default values (see details below). Each element must be 'fit', 'column', or a numeric value. A value of 'fit' means that the parameter will be fit; a value of 'column' means that the value of the parameter will be taken from a column in exdf_obj of the same name; and a numeric value means that the parameter will be set to that value. For example, fit_options = list(rL = 0, Vmax = 'fit', c4_curvature = 'column') means that rL will be set to 0, Vmax will be fit, and c4_curvature will be set to the values in the c4_curvature column of replicate_exdf.


To be passed to confidence_intervals_c4_aci_hyperbola when calculate_confidence_intervals is TRUE.


To be passed to calculate_c4_assimilation_hyperbola; see that function for more details.


A logical value indicating whether or not to estimate confidence intervals for the fitting parameters using confidence_intervals_c4_aci_hyperbola.


This function calls calculate_c4_assimilation_hyperbola to calculate values of net assimilation. The user-supplied optimization function is used to vary the values of c4_curvature, c4_slope, rL, and Vmax to find ones that best reproduce the experimentally measured values of net assimilation. By default, the following options are used for the fits:

  • c4_curvature: lower = -10, upper = 10, fit_option = 'fit'

  • c4_slope: lower = -50, upper = 1000, fit_option = 'fit'

  • rL: lower = -10, upper = 100, fit_option = 'fit'

  • Vmax: lower = -50, upper = 1000, fit_option = 'fit'

With these settings, all of the parameters are fit during the process (see fit_options above). The bounds are chosen liberally to avoid any bias.

An initial guess for the parameters is generated by calling initial_guess_c4_aci_hyperbola. Note that any fixed values specified in the fit options will override the values returned by the guessing function.

The fit is made by creating an error function using error_function_c4_aci_hyperbola and minimizing its value using optim_fun, starting from the initial guess described above. The optimizer_nmkb optimizer is used by default since it has been found to reliably return great fits. However, it is a fast optimizer that can get stuck in local minima. If it seems to be returning bad fits, consider using the optimizer_deoptim optimizer instead, but be aware that the fits will take more time to complete.

Unlike the model represented by calculate_c4_assimilation, the model in calculate_c4_assimilation_hyperbola is smooth in the sense that small changes in the input parameters cause small changes in its outputs. Because of this, it is a fairly easy model to fit.

This function assumes that replicate_exdf represents a single C4 A-Ci curve. To fit multiple curves at once, this function is often used along with by.exdf and consolidate.


A list with two elements:

  • fits: An exdf object including the original contents of replicate_exdf along with several new columns:

    • The fitted values of net assimilation will be stored in a column whose name is determined by appending '_fit' to the end of a_column_name; typically, this will be 'A_fit'.

    • Residuals (measured - fitted) will be stored in a column whose name is determined by appending '_residuals' to the end of a_column_name; typically, this will be 'A_residuals'.

    • Values of fitting parameters will be stored in the c4_curvature, c4_slope, rL, and Vmax columns.

    • The other outputs from calculate_c4_assimilation_hyperbola will be stored in columns with the usual names: Ag, Ainitial, Amax, An, c4_curvature, c4_slope, rL, Vinitial, Vmax, and c4_assimilation_hyperbola_msg.

  • fits_interpolated: An exdf object including the calculated assimilation rates at a fine spacing of Ci values (step size of 1 micromol mol^(-1)).

  • parameters: An exdf object including the identifiers, fitting parameters, and convergence information for the A-Ci curve:

    • The best-fit values are stored in the c4_curvature, c4_slope, rL, and Vmax. If calculate_confidence_intervals is TRUE, upper and lower limits for each of these parameters will also be included.

    • The convergence column indicates whether the fit was successful (==0) or if the optimizer encountered a problem (!=0).

    • The feval column indicates how many cost function evaluations were required while finding the optimal parameter values.

    • The residual stats as returned by residual_stats are included as columns with the default names: dof, RSS, RMSE, etc.

    • The Akaike information criterion is included in the AIC column.


# Read an example Licor file included in the PhotoGEA package
licor_file <- read_gasex_file(

# Define a new column that uniquely identifies each curve
licor_file[, 'species_plot'] <-
  paste(licor_file[, 'species'], '-', licor_file[, 'plot'] )

# Organize the data
licor_file <- organize_response_curve_data(
    c(9, 10, 16),

# Fit just one curve from the data set (it is rare to do this).
one_result <- fit_c4_aci_hyperbola(
  licor_file[licor_file[, 'species_plot'] == 'maize - 5', , TRUE]

# Fit all curves in the data set (it is more common to do this)
aci_results <- consolidate(by(
  licor_file[, 'species_plot'],

# View the fitting parameters for each species / plot
col_to_keep <- c(
  'species', 'plot',                                       # identifiers
  'c4_curvature', 'c4_slope', 'rL', 'Vmax',                # best estimates for parameter values
  'dof', 'RSS', 'MSE', 'RMSE', 'RSE',                      # residual stats
  'convergence', 'convergence_msg', 'feval', 'optimum_val' # convergence info

aci_results$parameters[ , col_to_keep, TRUE]
#>   species [UserDefCon] (NA) plot [UserDefCon] (NA)
#> 1                     maize                      5
#> 2                   sorghum                      2
#> 3                   sorghum                      3
#>   c4_curvature [fit_c4_aci_hyperbola] (dimensionless)
#> 1                                           0.6976615
#> 2                                           0.5614384
#> 3                                           0.5236451
#>   c4_slope [fit_c4_aci_hyperbola] (mol m^(-2) s^(-1))
#> 1                                           1.0100960
#> 2                                           0.9970135
#> 3                                           0.9282023
#>   rL [fit_c4_aci_hyperbola] (micromol m^(-2) s^(-1))
#> 1                                          1.3225714
#> 2                                          2.7695450
#> 3                                          0.7192808
#>   Vmax [fit_c4_aci_hyperbola] (micromol m^(-2) s^(-1))
#> 1                                             65.12738
#> 2                                             72.43272
#> 3                                             71.18932
#>   dof [residual_stats] (NA) RSS [residual_stats] ((micromol m^(-2) s^(-1))^2)
#> 1                         9                                         104.63148
#> 2                         9                                         220.78920
#> 3                         9                                          27.39311
#>   MSE [residual_stats] ((micromol m^(-2) s^(-1))^2)
#> 1                                          8.048575
#> 2                                         16.983784
#> 3                                          2.107162
#>   RMSE [residual_stats] (micromol m^(-2) s^(-1))
#> 1                                       2.837001
#> 2                                       4.121139
#> 3                                       1.451607
#>   RSE [residual_stats] (micromol m^(-2) s^(-1))
#> 1                                      3.409651
#> 2                                      4.952992
#> 3                                      1.744614
#>   convergence [fit_c4_aci_hyperbola] ()
#> 1                                     0
#> 2                                     0
#> 3                                     0
#>   convergence_msg [fit_c4_aci_hyperbola] () feval [fit_c4_aci_hyperbola] ()
#> 1                    Successful convergence                             318
#> 2                    Successful convergence                             263
#> 3                    Successful convergence                             359
#>   optimum_val [fit_c4_aci_hyperbola] ()
#> 1                              32.00192
#> 2                              36.85588
#> 3                              23.29093

# View the fits for each species / plot
plot_c4_aci_hyperbola_fit(aci_results, 'species_plot', ylim = c(0, 100))

# View the residuals for each species / plot
  A_residuals ~ Ci | species_plot,
  data = aci_results$fits$main_data,
  type = 'b',
  pch = 16,
  auto = TRUE,
  grid = TRUE,
  xlab = paste('Intercellular CO2 concentration [', aci_results$fits$units$Ci, ']'),
  ylab = paste('Assimilation rate residuals [', aci_results$fits$units$A_residuals, ']')