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Checks to make sure an exdf object representing response curve data has the expected number of rows and does not contain infinite values.


    ordering_column_tolerance = Inf



An exdf object representing response curve data from a Licor gas exchange measurement system.


A vector or list of strings representing the names of columns in licor_exdf that, taken together, uniquely identify each curve. This often includes names like plot, event, replicate, etc.


A vector of integers specifying which points to remove from each curve; for example, if each curve has 16 points and the 10^th^ and 11^th^ points along the sequence should not be included in subsequent analysis, measurement_numbers_to_remove could be specified as c(10, 11).


The name of a column that is systematically varied to produce each curve; for example, in a light response curve, this would typically by Qin.


To be passed to check_response_curve_data as the driving_column_tolerance input argument; the ordering_column_tolerance can be set to Inf to disable this check.


For an exdf object consisting of multiple response curves that can be identified using the values of its identifier_columns, this function performs the following actions:

  • Assigns a sequential number to each measurement in each curve, beginning with 1; in other words, the first point in the curve is given number 1, the second is given number 2, etc. These numbers are stored as a new column called seq_num.

  • Extracts a subset of the data corresponding to the values of seq_num not in measurement_numbers_to_remove; this is often helpful for A-Ci curves, where the CO~2~ concentration begins at the ambient value, is decreased to a low value, is reset to atmospheric for several measurements to allow the plant to reacclimate, and then is increased to higher values. In this case, only the first measurement at ambient CO~2~ is used for plotting or additional analysis.

  • Reorders the data according to ascending values of the column_for_ordering. For example, the points in an A-Ci curve would not be ordered according to their Ci values in a curve measured using a sequence as described above. This can cause issues when making line plots, so it may be convenient to reorder them according to their Ci values.

Before performing these operations, this function checks to make sure that the identifier_columns specify response curves that (1) each have the same number of points and where (2) the column_for_ordering follows the same sequence of values in each curve (within the tolerance set by ordering_column_tolerance). This check is accomplished via check_response_curve_data, treating the column_for_ordering as the driving_column.


An exdf object based on licor_exdf but processed as described above.


# Read an example Licor file included in the PhotoGEA package and organize it.
# This file includes several 7-point light-response curves that can be uniquely
# identified by the values of its 'species' and 'plot' columns. Since these are
# light-response curves, each one follows a pre-set sequence of `Qin` values.
licor_file <- read_gasex_file(

# Split the data into individual curves, keep all seven measurement points in
# each curve, and order them by their incident light values (since these are
# light response curves). The curves were measured from high to low values of
# `Qin`, so after organizing the curves, their order will be reversed from the
# original version.
licor_file <- organize_response_curve_data(
  c('species', 'plot'),

# View a subset of the data, including the new `seq_num` column
print(licor_file[, c('species', 'plot', 'seq_num', 'Qin', 'A'), TRUE])
#>    species [UserDefCon] (NA) plot [UserDefCon] (NA) seq_num [NA] (NA)
#> 1                    soybean                     1a                 7
#> 2                    soybean                     1a                 6
#> 3                    soybean                     1a                 5
#> 4                    soybean                     1a                 4
#> 5                    soybean                     1a                 3
#> 6                    soybean                     1a                 2
#> 7                    soybean                     1a                 1
#> 8                    soybean                     1b                 7
#> 9                    soybean                     1b                 6
#> 10                   soybean                     1b                 5
#> 11                   soybean                     1b                 4
#> 12                   soybean                     1b                 3
#> 13                   soybean                     1b                 2
#> 14                   soybean                     1b                 1
#> 15                   tobacco                      2                 7
#> 16                   tobacco                      2                 6
#> 17                   tobacco                      2                 5
#> 18                   tobacco                      2                 4
#> 19                   tobacco                      2                 3
#> 20                   tobacco                      2                 2
#> 21                   tobacco                      2                 1
#> 22                   soybean                      5                 7
#> 23                   soybean                      5                 6
#> 24                   soybean                      5                 5
#> 25                   soybean                      5                 4
#> 26                   soybean                      5                 3
#> 27                   soybean                      5                 2
#> 28                   soybean                      5                 1
#>    Qin [LeafQ] (micromol m^(-2) s^(-1)) A [GasEx] (micromol m^(-2) s^(-1))
#> 1                               200.141                           5.679174
#> 2                               350.106                          12.240074
#> 3                               500.135                          16.617929
#> 4                               649.951                          23.290614
#> 5                               799.983                          25.430106
#> 6                              1099.800                          22.996635
#> 7                              2000.030                          35.400473
#> 8                               200.070                           9.276031
#> 9                               350.060                          14.666531
#> 10                              499.982                          17.009070
#> 11                              650.070                          26.383035
#> 12                              799.873                          25.472460
#> 13                             1099.890                          30.250627
#> 14                             1999.850                          47.950460
#> 15                              200.236                           7.849870
#> 16                              350.073                          12.044692
#> 17                              500.036                          12.106347
#> 18                              650.001                          16.345888
#> 19                              800.046                          22.218165
#> 20                             1099.980                          25.492278
#> 21                             2000.020                          29.614535
#> 22                              200.029                          10.768250
#> 23                              349.991                          17.091593
#> 24                              499.921                          22.068194
#> 25                              650.108                          22.924484
#> 26                              799.910                          32.769396
#> 27                             1099.960                          36.218245
#> 28                             1999.980                          45.780746