Make an initial guess of "Variable J" model parameter values for one curve
Creates a function that makes an initial guess of "variable J" model parameter
values for one curve. This function is used internally by
Values estimated by this guessing function should be considered inaccurate, and should always be improved upon by an optimizer.
cc_threshold_rd = 100,
atp_use = 4.0,
nadph_use = 8.0,
a_column_name = 'A',
ci_column_name = 'Ci',
etr_column_name = 'ETR',
j_norm_column_name = 'J_norm',
kc_column_name = 'Kc',
ko_column_name = 'Ko',
oxygen_column_name = 'oxygen',
phips2_column_name = 'PhiPS2',
qin_column_name = 'Qin',
rl_norm_column_name = 'RL_norm',
total_pressure_column_name = 'total_pressure',
tp_norm_column_name = 'Tp_norm',
vcmax_norm_column_name = 'Vcmax_norm'
- alpha_g
A dimensionless parameter where
0 <= alpha_g <= 1
, representing the proportion of glycolate carbon taken out of the photorespiratory pathway as glycine.alpha_g
is often assumed to be 0. Ifalpha_g
is not a number, then there must be a column inrc_exdf
with appropriate units. A numeric value supplied here will overwrite the values in thealpha_g
column ofrc_exdf
if it exists.- alpha_old
A dimensionless parameter where
0 <= alpha_old <= 1
, representing the fraction of remaining glycolate carbon not returned to the chloroplast after accounting for carbon released as CO2.alpha_old
is often assumed to be 0. Ifalpha_old
is not a number, then there must be a column inrc_exdf
with appropriate units. A numeric value supplied here will overwrite the values in thealpha_old
column ofrc_exdf
if it exists.- alpha_s
A dimensionless parameter where
0 <= alpha_s <= 0.75 * (1 - alpha_g)
representing the proportion of glycolate carbon taken out of the photorespiratory pathway as serine.alpha_s
is often assumed to be 0. Ifalpha_s
is not a number, then there must be a column inrc_exdf
with appropriate units. A numeric value supplied here will overwrite the values in thealpha_s
column ofrc_exdf
if it exists.- alpha_t
A dimensionless parameter where
0 <= alpha_t <= 1
representing the proportion of glycolate carbon taken out of the photorespiratory pathway as CH2-THF.alpha_t
is often assumed to be 0. Ifalpha_t
is not a number, then there must be a column inrc_exdf
with appropriate units. A numeric value supplied here will overwrite the values in thealpha_t
column ofrc_exdf
if it exists.- Gamma_star
The CO2 compensation point in the absence of day respiration, expressed in
micromol mol^(-1)
. IfGamma_star
is not a number, then there must be a column inrc_exdf
with appropriate units. A numeric value supplied here will overwrite the values in theGamma_star
column ofrc_exdf
if it exists.- cc_threshold_rd
An upper cutoff value for the chloroplast CO2 concentration in
micromol mol^(-1)
to be used when estimatingRL
.- atp_use
The number of ATP molecules used per C3 cycle.
- nadph_use
The number of NADPH molecules used per C3 cycle.
- a_column_name
The name of the column in
that contains the net assimilation inmicromol m^(-2) s^(-1)
.- ci_column_name
The name of the column in
that contains the intercellular CO2 concentration inmicromol mol^(-1)
.- etr_column_name
The name of the column in
that contains the electron transport rate as estimated by the measurement system inmicromol m^(-2) s^(-1)
.- j_norm_column_name
The name of the column in
that contains the normalizedJ
values (with units ofnormalized to J at 25 degrees C
).- kc_column_name
The name of the column in
that contains the Michaelis-Menten constant for rubisco carboxylation inmicromol mol^(-1)
.- ko_column_name
The name of the column in
that contains the Michaelis-Menten constant for rubisco oxygenation inmmol mol^(-1)
.- oxygen_column_name
The name of the column in
that contains the concentration of O2 in the ambient air, expressed as a percentage (commonly 21% or 2%); the units must bepercent
.- phips2_column_name
The name of the column in
that contains values of the operating efficiency of photosystem II (dimensionless).- qin_column_name
The name of the column in
that contains values of the incident photosynthetically active flux density inmicromol m^(-2) s^(-1)
.- rl_norm_column_name
The name of the column in
that contains the normalizedRL
values (with units ofnormalized to RL at 25 degrees C
).- total_pressure_column_name
The name of the column in
that contains the total pressure inbar
.- tp_norm_column_name
The name of the column in
that contains the normalizedTp
values (with units ofnormalized to Tp at 25 degrees C
).- vcmax_norm_column_name
The name of the column in
that contains the normalizedVcmax
values (with units ofnormalized to Vcmax at 25 degrees C
The variable J method is a fitting procedure for estimating values of
, alpha_old
, alpha_s
, alpha_t
, J_at_25
, RL_at_25
, tau
, and Vcmax_at_25
from a measured C3 CO2 response curve
+ chlorophyll fluorescence. For more information about these parameters, see
the documentation at calculate_c3_variable_j
Here, we make an estimate for tau
by noting that gas exchange
measurement systems equipped with chlorophyll fluorometers typically make an
estimate for the electron transport rate (ETR
), which is essentially
synonymous with the actual RuBP regeneration rate. Thus, tau
can be
estimated by inverting the equation for J_actual
tau = ETR / (Qin * PhiPSII)
Estimates of the remaining parameters are calculated by setting Cc = Ci
and then calling initial_guess_c3_aci
A function with one input argument rc_exdf
, which should be an
object representing one C3 CO2 response curve. The return value of
this function will be a numeric vector with ten elements, representing the
values of alpha_g
, alpha_old
, alpha_s
, alpha_t
, RL_at_25
, tau
, Tp_at_25
, and
(in that order).
# Read an example Licor file included in the PhotoGEA package
licor_file <- read_gasex_file(
# Define a new column that uniquely identifies each curve
licor_file[, 'species_plot'] <-
paste(licor_file[, 'species'], '-', licor_file[, 'plot'] )
# Organize the data
licor_file <- organize_response_curve_data(
c(9, 10, 16),
# Calculate the total pressure in the Licor chamber
licor_file <- calculate_total_pressure(licor_file)
# Calculate temperature-dependent values of C3 photosynthetic parameters
licor_file <- calculate_temperature_response(licor_file, c3_temperature_param_bernacchi)
# Create the guessing function; here we set all alpha values to 0 and use the
# temperature-dependent values of Gamma_star calculated above
guessing_func <-
initial_guess_c3_variable_j(alpha_g = 0, alpha_old = 0, alpha_s = 0, alpha_t = 0, Gamma_star = '')
# Apply it and see the initial guesses for each curve
str(by(licor_file, licor_file[, 'species_plot'], guessing_func))
#> List of 3
#> $ soybean - 5a: num [1:10] 0 0 0 0 56.6 ...
#> $ tobacco - 1 : num [1:10] 0 0 0 0 55.6 ...
#> $ tobacco - 2 : num [1:10] 0 0 0 0 55.9 ...
# Calculate simulated A-Ci curves based on the guesses and compare them to the
# actual data
calculated_aci <-, by(
licor_file[, 'species_plot'],
function(x) {
param <- guessing_func(x)
x <- cbind(
calculate_c3_variable_j(x, param[1], param[3], param[4], param[5], param[7], param[8])
param[1], param[2], param[3], param[4], param[5], param[6], param[7], param[9], param[10]
Ac + Aj + Ap + An + A ~ Cc | species_plot,
data = cbind(licor_file, calculated_aci)$main_data,
type = 'b',
auto = TRUE,
grid = TRUE