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Tool for reading plaintext log files created by Licor LI-6800 instruments and storing their contents in exdf objects.


read_licor_6800_plaintext(file_name, get_oxygen = TRUE, ...)



A relative or absolute path to a plaintext file containing Licor data.


A logical value indicating whether to get the oxygen percentage from the file's preamble using get_oxygen_from_preamble.


Additional arguments; currently unused.


Licor LI-6800 instruments create two types of log files: a plaintext file and an Excel file, each containing the same information. The plaintext files are the only ones guaranteed to be created, since the Excel files require the user to select an option to create them.

read_licor_6800_plaintext looks for two special lines in the Licor log file: the [Head] line indicates the beginning of the header (or preamble), and the [Data] line indicates the beginning of the data table. If these lines are missing from the file, it will not be loaded properly.


An exdf object that fully includes all the data from the Licor Excel file. In addition to the elements described in the documentation for read_gasex_file, the following "extra" elements are also included:

  • preamble: A data frame containing the "preamble" (or "header") information from the file.

  • header_indx: The line of the file where [Head] was found.

  • data_indx: The line of the file where [Data] was found.

See also


# Example: Reading a Licor plaintext file that is included with the PhotoGEA
# package.
licor_file <- PhotoGEA:::read_licor_6800_plaintext(