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Combines one or more exdf objects by the columns or rows of their main_data. For rbind, errors will occur if column names are not the same in all of the exdf objects, and if all units and categories are not identical.


# S3 method for class 'exdf'
cbind(..., deparse.level = 1)

  # S3 method for class 'exdf'
    deparse.level = 1,
    make.row.names = TRUE,
    stringsAsFactors = FALSE



Two or more exdf objects.


See associated documentation for the generic versions of cbind and rbind.


See associated documentation for the generic version of rbind.


See associated documentation for the generic version of rbind.


Returns a new exdf object.

See also


# Make some simple exdf objects. 1 and 2 have the same number of rows but
# different columns, while 1 and 3 have the same columns but different rows.
simple_exdf_1 <- exdf(data.frame(A = 1), data.frame(A = 'au'), data.frame(A = 'ac'))
simple_exdf_2 <- exdf(data.frame(B = 2), data.frame(B = 'bu'), data.frame(B = 'bc'))
simple_exdf_3 <- exdf(data.frame(A = 2), data.frame(A = 'au'), data.frame(A = 'ac'))

cbind(simple_exdf_1) # will just return simple_exdf_1
#>   A [ac] (au)
#> 1           1
cbind(simple_exdf_1, simple_exdf_2)
#>   A [ac] (au) B [bc] (bu)
#> 1           1           2

rbind(simple_exdf_1) # will just return simple_exdf_1
#>   A [ac] (au)
#> 1           1
rbind(simple_exdf_1, simple_exdf_3)
#>   A [ac] (au)
#> 1           1
#> 2           2